Dollar Donation Club




Waste collection in coastal regions to stop ocean plastic

🛡️ HighTrust Rating

🧐 LowRisk Rating

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Integrated Impact ScoreVetted By

Return On Donation


10 lbsOf Plastic Removed
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 165 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 265 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 365 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 465 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 565 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 165 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 265 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 365 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 465 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 565 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 165 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 265 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 365 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 465 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 565 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 165 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 265 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 365 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 465 in March
650 Lbs Removedturtle scroll icon 565 in March
Flying Pig Logo

Expert Consensus

A cost-effective model to stop plastic from entering the environment, with impressive innovations in traceability and a deep focus on improving the lives of waste workers.  


The Problem

Every year, 11 million metric tons of plastic ends up in our oceans, harming marine life and the environment; 80% of this plastic is non-recyclable.

The Solution

CleanHub collects plastic waste from coastal communities around the world, making sure that it’s fed back into the economy while supporting local jobs in the process. 

Impact to Date

  • Collected more than 9.529.204 kg of plastic from coastal areas 

  • Brought in more than 350 brands to fund ocean-bound plastic removal

  • Have connected more than 225.000 households to waste management

  • Designed an easy-to-use system for local partners to transparently track their impact

Location of Impact

India, Indonesia, Philippines, Tanzania, and Guatemala

Impact Per $1

$1 = 10 lbs of plastic removed

Proof of Impact

3rd party verification (photo evidence of collection and processing); photos and stories from the collection teams; the data and the process are ISO-verified by TĂźv SĂźd. Read more here

Time to Realize Impact

2-12 months

Fund Usage

Donations will cover waste collection (staff salaries and transport costs), waste separation, disposal costs, awareness activities, and admin costs (for CleanHub and the partner organization).

Will it actually make a difference?

CleanHub works in low-income coastal areas in South and Southeast Asia, Eastern Africa and Central America, where poorly managed waste often ends up in the ocean.  They focus especially on non-recyclable plastic waste, since it is overlooked by the existing recycling systems and it makes up 80% of plastic that enters the oceans. 

Each donation supports community-based organizations to collect waste from households and businesses that don’t have access to formal waste collection. This stops waste plastic from ending up in the ocean. In a word, yes!

How is the donation used?

Each dollar removes 10 lbs of ocean-bound plastic from coastal communities in Kerala, India and ensures proper processing so that it never ends up in oceans or landfills. 

DDC's Favorites

  • They remove a huge amount of plastic (11 lbs) per dollar! 

  • Great Transparency: Proof of work is uploaded via the CleanHub app throughout the collection, sorting and processing of plastic waste. That's how we provide the digital evidence for every kg of plastic that did not end up in our oceans.

  • Focus on non-recyclable plastic waste: there are not many effective solutions for it, and it makes up 80% of plastic that enters the oceans. 

  • Partnerships with amazing local waste management entrepreneurs (“collection hubs”) that are deeply embedded in their communities, doing effective and thoughtful work.

  • Non-recyclable plastics are converted into energy for cement plants, ensuring that the plastic can never end up in the environment (read more about ‘co-processing’ in here).

Key Drawbacks

  • Overhead costs: CleanHub charges a commission from all brands who want to be part of the solution for plastic pollution for monitoring, tracking, and reporting the impact. We believe that their added value is well worth it, since they add so much additional value to the partner organizations they work with.

Integrated Impact Score

Total Score88%



Per dollar, how effective is this organization at creating measurable impact?

Extremely ineffective
Average effectiveness
Extremely effective

$1 funds the collection, transport, and processing of 10 lbs of plastic waste that would otherwise likely end up in the ocean. That’s the equivalent of stopping 227 water bottles! 

Collecting plastic waste before it enters the environment is highly cost-effective compared to other solutions addressing the ocean plastic crisis. Collecting waste from households is generally the most affordable approach; plastic gets progressively more difficult and expensive to clean up once it is in poorly managed landfills, the environment, or eventually the ocean. Read more here.

Each dollar also ensures that waste workers earn a stable income in safe and dignified working conditions.

Is the organization's team credible and effective?

Extremely ineffective
Average effectiveness
Extremely effective

CleanHub has a passionate, dedicated team of professionals.  Founders Joel Tasche and Florin Dinga have backgrounds in entrepreneurship and software engineering. Lakshmi Menon, the Head of Impact in India, has more than 5 years of experience in the waste management sector in India, working with informal waste collectors to improve their livelihoods. You can see the full team here.

While the team has great promise, CleanHub is also a newer organization that has not yet been tested over the long term.

Does the organization have a clearly defined mission, vision and values?

Unclearly defined
Relatively clearly defined
Clearly defined
Extremely clearly defined

Mission: “We’re on a mission to put a CleanHub in every coastal community that doesn’t have proper waste management. People everywhere will have their trash collected and managed in a safe, dignified way."  

Vision: “A world free of plastic pollution.”

Values: Maximize impact • Empower communities • Reduce & recover • Do no harm • Set high standards

How simple/elegant is the solution?

Extremely complex
Very simple
Extremely simple

CleanHub’s approach of collecting waste from households and businesses is a straightforward and effective way to remove plastic waste while it’s still relatively simple to manage.

Their core technology is an app (certified by TÜV SÜD / ISO) which all of their local collection partners use, allowing CleanHub to remotely oversee the flow of collected plastic from initial collection all the way to recovery.

Although it takes their partners some time to adjust their processes to start tracking the waste, the app itself is simple to use and offers world-class traceability without needing any new hardware.

How scalable is the solution-set beyond its use-case geography?

Extremely unscalable
Very unscalable
Relatively scalable
Very scalable
Extremely scalable

CleanHub’s approach of household waste collection, enhanced by their traceability software, is intentionally developed so that it can be used across coastal regions of the world (currently active on three continents).  It’s an elegant design that works in low-resource settings, and has already been used successfully in a wide range of locations and organizations. 

While the solution is extremely scalable, there are some limitations in CleanHub’s ability to expand to new locations: the time and effort to set up new collection partners (vetting, training, monitoring, and running pilots), and the need to select operations near a cement plant that meets their standards for co-processing (converting plastic to energy).

How well does the solution create self-generating capabilities rather than rely on ongoing investment?

Extremely reliant on ongoing investment
Very reliant on ongoing investment
Somewhat self-generating
Very self-generating
Extremely self-generating

CleanHub helps their collection partners build better processes that are sustainable, effective, and stand the test of time.  

It is really difficult for organizations working in waste management to make money, and CleanHub helps by adding an additional stream of income from the non-recyclable waste which they otherwise could not make money from. This has enabled some collection partners to implement new socially-responsible practices (e.g. improved benefits for workers) that hadn’t seemed possible previously due to lack of funding. 

CleanHub’s data also helps community waste organizations prove the need for their solutions, making it easier to access government subsidies and funding. This is another income stream that will help them become financially sustainable in the long term.

How efficient is the process of achieving a self-sustaining solution?

Extremely dependent
Very dependent
Fairly independent
Very independent
Extremely independent

CleanHub is a key player helping to build the growing ‘plastic credit’ market (i.e. plastic offsets, that work similarly to carbon offsets). As this market grows, we expect that these solutions will become more and more self-sustaining, but for the time being, external investment is still needed to cover the gap until they can be self-sustaining. 

A key piece needed for local waste management organizations to become self-sustaining is to change people’s behavior so that they sort their waste before disposal.  Currently, 70% of the waste collected is not recyclable - often because it has been contaminated. CleanHub and its collection partners are working to raise awareness and educate households about the need to separate waste.

How much risk is there that the impact will be reversed for any reason?

Extremely risky
Very risky
Relatively risky
Very low risk
Extremely low risk

In this case, risk of reversal could be defined as waste returning to the environment after collection, or else as collection being stopped (e.g. because a collection partner goes out of business). 

CleanHub has specifically chosen co-processing (converting the waste into energy for cement plants) to ensure that the plastic waste they collect can never return to the environment again. You can read more about their rationale here.

The risk of waste collection stopping is minimized by CleanHub’s careful partner selection process. CleanHub ensures that the partners they work with have strong and balanced local teams of field staff, project managers, admin and executive team members. The infrastructure built (e.g. sorting facilities) is always planned for the long term. They also ensure that partners have legal permissions to execute the projects (to avoid the risk of being unexpectedly shut down).



How transparent is the organization financially?

Extremely non-transparent
Very non-transparent
Somewhat transparent
Very transparent
Extremely transparent

CleanHub has not disclosed public financial information, and does not require detailed cost breakdowns from their collection partners, although they do benchmark the collection costs for each partner against others doing similar work.  

How transparent is the organization operationally?

Extremely non-transparent
Very non-transparent
Somewhat transparent
Very transparent
Extremely transparent

Operational transparency is part of CleanHub’s DNA. Their live dashboard has a real-time feed that shows exactly what is happening at every stage as the waste is collected and processed.  Each event is proof of plastic being collected and processed. On average, they receive more than 70 data points a day and all of them include picture proof.  CleanHub has detailed profiles of each collection partner on their site, and regularly shares photos and stories from the teams on the ground via social media.

Are regular updates on progress made readily available to donors?

Not at all
Very infrequently
Very frequently
Extremely frequently

Updates on progress will be made available monthly, including photos and videos. DDC will have access to a personal dashboard (like this one) tracking our impact, plastic collected to date, and updates from the collection partners.

Track record


How many years has the organization been in operation?


Founded in January 2020, the organization is just under 5 years old.

How much positive impact has the organization created in the past in it's category?

No past impact
Very little impact
Some positive impact
Significant impact
Extremely impactful

CleanHub has collected more than 9,500 metric tons of plastic and connected over 225,000 households to waste management. They have converted 2.438 of those tons into energy for cement plants, producing 13 GWh of energy (enough electricity to power 1,648.57 average western homes for an entire year). You can see the latest annual statistics in their dashboard

CleanHub has established a network collection partners in South and South East Asia, Eastern Africa, and Central America and partnered with more than 300 brands to fund ocean-bound plastic removal.

(As of August 2024)

How long has the solution-set been demonstrated to be effective?

< 1 year
1-3 years
3-7 years
7-10 years
> 10 years

CleanHub’s technology and platform are relatively new; they’ve been demonstrated to be effective for over 4 years. However, most of their collection partners are much older (ranging from 3-22 years old) and have proven success at building waste management solutions for half a decade or more. The local teams have a strong knowledge of all aspects of waste management. 

How clearly does the organization embody the values it purports to have?

Extremely unclear
Very unclear
Somewhat clear
Very clearly
Extremely clearly

We see CleanHub’s commitment to their core values in their strategy of intentionally going after the plastics that are hardest to recover.  They focus on plastics that have no commercial value, in areas that aren't popular or easy to work in (and where it is more difficult to attract funding.) The process of waste collection is messy and difficult – especially for waste like unrecyclable plastic, which organizations actually have to pay to get rid of (unlike recyclables, which can be sold).  The team has stepped up to the challenge with tons of passion and creativity. 

CleanHub also uses their core values to screen potential partners. Their website explains how each partner embodies these values; see an example at the bottom of this page.



Does the organization have a clearly defined "big goal" that is measurable?

Unclearly defined
Relatively clearly defined
Clearly defined
Extremely clearly defined

CleanHub’s big goal is to “put a CleanHub in every coastal community that doesn’t have proper waste management. People everywhere will have their trash collected and managed in a safe, dignified way”.  Ultimately, they envision “a global circular plastic system, where an organization always has to take one ton of plastic out of use before they’re allowed to put a new one in.”

In the meantime, CleanHub is working to help as many households as possible get access to waste management. Their near-term goal is to reach 10,000 tons of waste collected by the end of 2024. For scale, that’s roughly one-sixth of the amount of plastic that Indonesia released into the ocean in 2021. 

In addition to the overall goal, each collection partner is given a target on the volumes for collection and social compliance; an example is here.

Does the organization have a clear understanding of the total projected cost to achieve the "big goal"?

Unclearly defined
Relatively clearly defined
Clearly defined
Extremely clearly defined

CleanHub estimates that it will cost about $3.5 billion per year to achieve this 50% reduction goal.

Does the organization have a clear understanding of what $1 can accomplish?

Unclearly defined
Relatively clearly defined
Clearly defined
Extremely clearly defined

$1 funds the collection and processing of 11 lbs (5 kg) of plastic waste, covering every step from collection through to safe disposal (recycling or use as fuel in a cement plant). 

Is the positive outcome quantifiable?

Extremely unquantifiable
Very unquantifiable
Somewhat quantifiable
Very quantifiable
Extremely quantifiable

CleanHub measures the amount of plastic collected, sorted, and sent to energy recovery facilities, as well as the amount of energy produced.  

CleanHub is also digitizing household collection (with QR codes on each house that are scanned) so that they can measure the number of households served.

They also conduct a social impact audit for all partners to see how the partners are supporting their workers. They work with partners to improve the health and safety standards. This is all monitored and verified.

How well does the organization monitor and verify their ongoing progress?

Extremely unquantifiable
Very unquantifiable
Somewhat quantifiable
Very quantifiable
Extremely quantifiable

CleanHub monitors plastic cleanup operations continuously with the app. Proof of work is uploaded via their app throughout the collection, sorting and transportation of plastic. Every collection and processing is geotagged and time-stamped. The current collection progress can be viewed here.

CleanHub also visits projects in-person to monitor and verify that partners are following their plans. They meet the team and interact with the workers to understand the on-the-ground operations in detail.



Does the solution address a root cause, or a symptom?

Extremely symptom focused
Very symptom focused
Relatively root focused
Very root focused
Extremely root focused

Ocean plastic pollution is a symptom of poor waste management and poor design in packaging. CleanHub is attempting to address the former and to some extent, the latter. 

Waste ends up in the environment because of poor collection systems; CleanHub helps improve these systems by providing the funding needed to collect and process low-value plastic waste. The organization also generates rich data that is shared with the local authorities to advocate for improved waste collection; this has been successful at getting the government to engage in building better waste management. 

On the other side of the problem, CleanHub also helps brands assess their plastic footprints and design strategies to reduce their impact. 

Cleaning up plastic that is already mid-ocean would be very symptom focused, rivers would be close to root, and household clean-up is even closer to the root. At the source of the problem, policy change is needed to phase out single use plastics; this is not a core focus of CleanHub’s work.

Does the solution have an economic model that is self-sustaining?

Absolutely no self-sustaining model
Very little self-sustaining model
A relatively self-sustaining model
A very self-sustaining model
An extremely self-sustaining model

CleanHub is a for-profit social enterprise that helps brands offset their plastic footprint.  

CleanHub’s collection partners often struggle to build financially self-sustaining models because the waste collected and sold to recyclers is not enough to cover all their costs.  To bridge this gap, CleanHub’s platform matches them with responsible brands who finance the plastic collection. 

Collection partners often use the data generated by CleanHub to advocate for more government support. Oftentimes the local governments don’t have usable data; once CleanHub can show them the work that’s being done, officials see that it’s possible and that the collection partner is credible – and the government will sometimes help finance project expansions.

To what degree does the solution prevent other potentially beneficial solutions from emerging?

To an extremely high degree
To a very high degree
To some degree
To a relatively low degree
To an extremely low degree

CleanHub’s “asset-light” model intentionally focuses on supporting other organizations’ efforts and systems rather than replacing them. Their deliberate focus on non-recyclable plastics (rather than recyclable materials which have value and are therefore already collected by the informal sector) ensures that they are having a truly additional impact, rather than replacing or disrupting existing efforts.  

Does the solution integrate into local populations as part of the solution?

Not at all
Very little
Very much
Highly integrated

CleanHub is careful to ensure that their collection partners are local organizations that engage the people from their communities. This means that the whole team on ground are people from the community (often, these are people who previously were informal waste collectors).  Any solution is discussed with this team and implemented by them. This ensures that solutions are always locally-driven.

Does this solution produce any negative impact on indigenous populations?

Very much
Very little
Not at all

Our vetting has uncovered no negative influences on indigenous populations.  

CleanHub prioritizes working with the people who have traditionally been working in waste management, and ensures that collection partners are engaging the people (e.g. waste-pickers) that were already working in these communities rather than displacing them.

CleanHub also has a rigorous process for its social audits, (they use expert auditors to conduct in-person audits of the complete operations of the collection partners). This process includes interviews of the local workers, which helps ensure that the work is not having a negative impact on the local communities.

Does the solution consider its impact at least 7-generations into the future (>100 years)?

Not at all
Very little
Very much
Highly integrated

CleanHub collects data that helps prove the need for access to waste management for everyone (as well as effective processing of the waste after collection). Through this they aim to raise awareness and drive system-level change in waste management in developing countries.

Their work reduces plastic pollution (and to some extent, plastic use) - with the ultimate aim of cutting plastic pollution off at the source.  We believe that stopping plastic at the source is the most effective long-term solution to the plastic problem. 

In the meantime, plastics can take 450 years or more to break down in the ocean, and damage ecosystems in long-lasting and major ways. Once plastics reach the ocean, they become very difficult or impossible to remove. By removing ocean-bound plastics, CleanHub is preventing hundreds of years of environmental damage that these plastics will cause.

What is the risk of unintended negative consequences?

Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Very unlikely
Extremely unlikely

One potential risk is that when CleanHub’s end users see plastic as a solvable problem (e.g. because it’s collected and out of sight), it can stop feeling like a pressing issue. This might lead these people to focus less on reducing their plastic use, or to become less careful about separating waste.

A potential risk with solutions like CleanHub’s is that they could remove pressure on local governments to improve waste management, effectively privatizing a public service that the government should really be responsible for.  CleanHub is intentional about using the data that they generate to prove to the government that improved waste collection is needed, and get more support.

The risk of workers being harmed is minimal, thanks to the safety practices that CleanHub has standardized. CleanHub also monitors the accident reports which collection partners are legally required to file.

How significant are the known negative consequences (or trade-offs) of this solution?

Extremely significant
Very significant
Somewhat significant
Not very significant
Not at all significant

One problem that CleanHub has seen is that when they help households get better at sorting their waste, the recyclable waste is conveniently separated and therefore easily stolen and resold by other people.  This affects project budgets because the collection partner loses out on the revenues they would have made from selling the waste.

CleanHub has weighed a few difficult tradeoffs in their decision to convert non-recyclable plastics to energy. One risk is that if co-processing is poorly controlled, it can release toxins and pollutants into the environment as a byproduct. CleanHub has intentionally chosen a high-quality, internationally known partner (Geocycle) where they feel this risk is minimal. Another downside of co-processing is that the plastic needs to be transported to the facility. Because of CleanHub’s high standards for the facilities they work with, this distance is sometimes really far – increasing the cost and carbon footprint.  CleanHub is constantly scanning the field for other solutions for safely disposing of non-recyclables. They are convinced that co-processing is currently the best solution.

Impact Innovation


How audacious is the "big goal"?

Not at all
Very little
Very much

CleanHub’s goal to “reduce the influx of plastic into the oceans by 50% by 2030” is very audacious. If achieved, it would have a very meaningful impact on the global plastic pollution problem.

How difficult is this challenge to solve (weighing this against how many other organizations have found effective solutions)?

Not difficult at all
Not very difficult
Very difficult
Extremely difficult

The scale of the ocean plastic pollution crisis is massive, and while many organizations have tried to tackle the problem, few have been able to make a meaningful dent in the problem. Organizations often struggle to find affordable, effective, and sustainable solutions – many other ocean plastic removal approaches cost far more than CleanHub’s approach per kilogram collected.

How much has the organization demonstrated an ability to innovate around novel problems?

Extremely non-innovative
Very non-innovative
Somewhat innovative
Very innovative
Extremely innovative

CleanHub is excellent at finding thoughtful, scrappy solutions to problems as they arise. They’ve made changes in their app to improve waste collection, such as using machine learning to predict the amount of plastic that will come in in a batch of waste; tracking cloth waste as a separate stream; automatically analyzing photos for mismatches between the amount of waste reported and the amount pictured; and safety compliance reminders (e.g. flagging when waste workers are not wearing shoes or gloves and sending feedback). 

To change individual people’s mindsets and behaviors around plastic waste, CleanHub has also run workshops and clean-up drives to increase awareness. They are also experimenting with other solutions for nonrecyclable plastic, including pyrolysis (converting plastic into an oil that is used as fuel) and creating new products (pellets).

How urgent is this challenge to solve?

Extremely distant
Relatively distant
Relatively urgent
Very urgent
Immediate threat

According to the WWF, “In our oceans, which provide the largest natural carbon sink for greenhouse gasses, plastic leaves a deadly legacy. It directly chokes and smothers a host of marine animals and habitats and can take hundreds of years to break down. As it does, sunlight and heat cause the plastic to release powerful greenhouse gasses, leading to an alarming feedback loop. As our climate changes, the planet gets hotter, the plastic breaks down into more methane and ethylene, increasing the rate of climate change, and so perpetuating the cycle”.

11 million tons of plastic enters the oceans each year, and the problem is getting worse. Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in the last 15 years, and a recent study has shown that without immediate action, the amount of plastic entering the ocean each year could nearly triple by 2040.

Impact Stack



CleanHub has helped increase wages and benefits of field workers involved in the waste collection and management process. In 2021, over 268 workers were employed by partner organizations with fair wages in compliance with the law. (Read more here.

At the same time, ocean pollution has a negative impact on the economics of a number of industries (tourism, fishing, shipping); it is estimated that the Asia-Pacific region alone loses $1.3 billion per year due to ocean plastic.


Approximately 3 billion people in the world rely on seafood as a primary source of protein. Marine plastics are adversely affecting the marine life that humans depend on for sustenance. Without healthy fisheries and ecosystems, there is often an increase in disease, poverty, starvation and displaced people.

CleanHub’s prevention of high volumes of ocean-bound plastic directly mitigates the negative effects of plastic on global aquaculture.


By collecting plastic and ensuring safe processing, CleanHub ensures that less plastic ends up in the food chain or is burned openly (which causes toxic emissions).


CleanHub reduces pollution that, if left in the environment, would degrade water-related ecosystems.  The plastics collected are recycled or used to create energy, ensuring that they are not entering landfills where there is a risk of them leaching into the groundwater.


CleanHub uses energy recovery to power cement plants which would normally be powered by coal.  This creates a solution that guarantees the plastic cannot physically re-enter waste streams, while reducing the amount of fossil fuels that are used for cement creation. 


CleanHub’s social audits mechanism ensures that all projects meet the organization’s standards for working conditions, wages, and social benefits. With CleanHub’s support, partner organizations have been able to provide higher wages to workers, improve facilities at waste management centers, ensure fire safety, and provide financial assistance during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. CleanHub has also supported some partners to build semi-automated facilities to improve the working conditions and physical efforts for sorting waste. 


CleanHub’s collection partners are introducing basic waste management practices to regions that have little to no waste management. CleanHub helps the collection partners improve their operations, transparency, and social impact, creating lasting improvements that will endure beyond their intervention. 


Waste collectors in the Global South often make up the most socio-economically disadvantaged groups. It’s typical for them to face inconsistent income, grueling and unsafe work conditions, and social stigma.  CleanHub’s aim is to ensure the dignity of all labor along the waste stream by enabling safety precautions, paying fair wages and health insurance, and helping remove social bias associated with waste collection activities.  This work is uplifting the quality of life for hundreds of low-income people and their families.


CleanHub works with partners and local communities to incentivize better waste collection processes from households and small shops. The overall goal is to divert waste from water bodies and landfills. In 2021, CleanHub and its partner organizations collected waste from over 200 houses of the fishing community in Konnad Beach, Kerala; 21 coastal villages and villages near rivers; warungs (small shops) in Jakarta; and completed 4 beach cleanup drives and 3 awareness sessions with local communities.


CleanHub’s vision is to promote a global circular economy in which all waste is repurposed into new uses.  CleanHub works on a number of levels to encourage responsible consumption across different stakeholders.  They support businesses to assess, reduce, and offset their plastic footprints.  To change the behaviors of individual people, CleanHub helps collection partners run awareness events with local communities to help them reduce and manage their plastic waste, especially single-use plastic. CleanHub also maintains a strong social media presence to raise awareness about the plastic pollution crisis. 


Healthy and well-functioning oceans, rivers, mangroves are critical to climate and atmospheric regulation. The removal of plastics assists the protection of the ocean and its functions, which are critical to climate stability.

When plastic is left out in the environment and exposed to the sun, it releases methane and ethylene, powerful greenhouse gasses that drive climate change. 

(Read more in these articles from Yale, Shen et al, and WWF.)


CleanHub stops ocean-bound plastic at the source, preventing it from entering the sea, river or ocean and harming marine life. This also prevents the creation of future microplastics, which cause harm not only to marine and aquatic life, but to mammals, birds and humans.


CleanHub prevents waste plastic from entering the environment and ensures it is safely processed so that it can never return.  This reduces the degradation of natural habitats, halting and reversing biodiversity loss and land degradation, allowing natural systems to regenerate, creating cascading positive benefits for life on land.


CleanHub’s asset-light approach relies on bridging powerful local solutions with international businesses and funders. Because CleanHub doesn’t build or run their own collection facilities, their real value is as a bridge that connects locally-run waste collection organizations to international markets.  CleanHub has built the tools (traceability software, funding platform, social impact audit processes) that can connect these community organizations to businesses around the world that are passionate about reducing the amount of plastic waste in our oceans. Their work directly addresses SDG targets 17.3 and 17.7.

Expert Vetters

Matthew Mulrennan's photo

Matthew Mulrennan

Cleantech Venture Partner; former Director at XPRIZE Ocean Initiative

“The world is already overwhelmed with plastic pollution, and looking for better waste management and upstream solutions is really the way to go. We can't clean up all plastic when it hits the ocean.”

Cristina Mittermeier's photo

Cristina Mittermeier

President and Founder of SeaLegacy

“Plastic pollution is a human problem, and they have come up with a human solution. The simplicity of what they’re doing makes it so replicable and so scalable.”

Tom Chi's photo

Tom Chi

Google X (co-founder)

“I’m appreciating how much they’ve factored in the dimensions of social equity in the process of dealing with an environmental issue.”

Individual Questions

The Context

About Ocean Plastics 

We have a plastic pandemic.

Plastic makes life super convenient for humans, and super inconvenient for everyone else in the ecosystems of planet earth.

At least 8 million tons of plastic enters the oceans annually. Marine animals ingest or are entangled by plastics, which causes severe injuries and deaths. Over 650,000 marine animals are killed annually by entanglement.

The issue of Ocean Plastics can be looked at in 5 large categories:

1. Manufacturing & consumption (the root issue) 

2. River pollution (feeding into oceans)

3. Coastal pollution

4. Ocean Macroplastics (big stuff)

5. Ocean Microplastics (small stuff) 

6. Recycling & Reuse

Manufacturing & consumption

Humanity has generated over 8.3 billion tons of plastic over the last 6 decades, and it’s estimated that 91% of that isn’t recycled.  At the same time, it takes over 400 years for those plastics to break down. 

To get to the root of the issue, manufacturers, companies and consumers must confront the reality that a paradigm shift is needed at the root.

River pollution (feeding into oceans)

Rivers transport between 0.47 million to 2.75 million metric tons of plastic into the ocean every year.  80% of ocean plastic pollution comes from land-based sources, and rivers are the main way that this plastic gets transported out to sea. Less than 2,000 rivers are responsible for 80% of all the plastic that rivers release into the ocean.  

Coastal Pollution

A less significant portion of ocean plastics drift from waste sites toward coastlines and ultimately end up in the ocean.

Ocean Macroplastics

The big stuff in the ocean is primarily abandoned fishing gear (up to 70% of all surface plastics are fishing gear). These “Ghost Nets” roam the ocean killing over 650,000 marine animals annually, destroying reefs and transmitting diseases between reefs (source).

Ocean Microplastics

Mid-ocean microplastics are easily the most challenging and difficult aspect of this challenge to tackle. These are plastic particles less than 5mm in length, and include microfibers from clothing, microbeads and plastic pellets (source). Macroplastics (like Ghost Nets) also eventually break down into microplastics over time.

Additional Data & References


We’re levelin’ up philanthropy!

The Dollar Donation Club Integrated Impact Score was designed to ensure that the world’s most powerful and holistic solutions are presented to our members. The goal is to identify acupuncture points of change – solutions that create maximum positive benefit using minimal resources, while triggering a large cascade of additional benefits.

More importantly, the Integrated Impact Score embodies our approach of smart-philanthropy.

It’s not enough for us to give with only our heart. We must also give intelligently – identifying solutions that address root causes, generate outsized measurable outcomes, integrate holistically into existing communities, consider long-term impacts, reduce the risk of unintended consequences and lead to self-reliant capabilities rather than co-dependencies.

It’s time for us to focus less on things like “overhead ratios” and more on the total, holistic positive result per dollar. Oh yeah, and it should be fun!

We believe that the best solutions...

  • Solve root-causes rather than symptoms.
  • Consider their impact 100 years into the future.
  • Produce massive impact efficiently.
  • Care for people and planet holistically.
  • Leverage nature’s and humanity’s best technologies.
  • Are radically transparent – financially and operationally.
  • Are resilient against threats of reversal.
  • Result in self-reliance, rather than dependence.
  • Clearly understand total costs to achieve outcomes.

This vetting methodology was designed with careful care to identify these solutions.

How we calculate the Integrated Impact Score:

Individual Dimension Score

The scores for each individual dimension (e.g. Transparency, Measurability) are calculated by adding up the total points (1-5) per section and dividing by the total possible points for that section.

Impact Stack

The amount of points awarded for the Impact Stack section is based on an assessment of how directly or indirectly and effectively or ineffectively the solution addresses a particular Sustainable Development Goal, using the SDG indicators as a guide. Impact Stack is treated like a bonus of points by adding up the total Impact Stack score and dividing by 10 (i.e. every 10 points gives a bonus of +1 to the final IIS score).

Overall Integrated Impact Score

The overall Integrated Impact Score is calculated by averaging the total scores received in each of the Individual Dimensions (e.g. Transparency, Measurability, etc.). We then add the bonus points awarded by the Impact Stack. Overall scores are rounded up to the nearest integer at 0.5 (e.g. if a score of 94.5 is calculated, the final score will be 95, if a score of 94.4 is calculated, the final score will be 94).

Vetting methodology 02.01 | Published 01.16.2023 | This report's change log is here.

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100% of contributions go to the Dollar Donation Club Fund, a wholly owned subsidiary of Legacy Global Foundation Inc, a public 501(c)3 charitable organization.

Š Dollar Donation Club 2025